FMP: Problem-solving

Hello there. How’re you doing? Today’s topic isn’t the most pleasant one to talk about, but it’s important to me and my project’s progression. And as you might have guessed from the title, it’s the problem-solving which is considered to be one of the criteria for marking the FMP objectively.
Everybody can avail from having well-managed problem-solving skills as we all meet problems daily. Some of these obstacles are more severe or complex than others. It would be incredible to have the capability to work out all issues efficiently and without difficulties, unfortunately, though there is no one way that you can find an ultimate solution for all the problems you face.
Throughout the whole project, I’ve met different occasional situations when I needed to act fast and change the plan, and it’s not only about setbacks, but also things that happened to be unexpectable. My research, for example, turned out to be different from what I planned to do. It appeared to be challenging to create something original as a response to bloggers and influencers, who pushed me to take this Minimalistic lifestyle project to happen. Overcoming this problem was a natural thing because I have the tutor of my dreams who immediately advised me a few more areas and artists for study. Continuing, I’ve faced lots of challenges like keeping the sketchbook full while doing the minimalistic lifestyle theme, luck of research’s areas and misunderstanding from closest people around me. The point which helped me to solve those is confidence in progress because I’ve never doubted what I was doing and going to do. I kept in mind ‘I’m different, and it’s cool.’ The problem with my sketchbook fullness was quickly solved when I gave it a bit of life by making the responses to artists and experimenting freely.

The technical part wasn’t challenging at all, but I believe that it’s all in front of me because I’m starting the development part at this moment with will be full of experimentation, trying out things and changing of plans as always. I would have begun it before, but due to the weather condition, I had to change my plans and move my photoshoots to the upcoming weekend. At some point, I’ve realised that I have too many approaches and strategies in my mind which I’d love to come true. Unlikely, due to the lack of time and just physical power I made the decision that I want to keep things real and dreaming about doing something enormous is not a good idea in the frames of the 12-week project.
To finish it up, I want to tell you what has changed in the project comparing to the original idea which I had at the stage of proposals. Well, I deemed that I have more time because when the duration of FMP was announced, it sounded massively enough and I even though I’ll finish by now. My primary idea of the digital magazine has included producing two sketchbooks(research and development) full of work. But it appeared that one is genuinely enough. Also when I was planning the magazine, I intended it to be quite big with lots of articles, notes and paragraphs which would be written by me only. At this moment I can say that I will still attempt to do as much as possible, but also consider the possibility of making this magazine as an introductory one.
That’s all for today’s blog. See you on the next rainy day! Just kidding, see you on Thursday.

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